Program #togetherforteachers
Program „together for teachers” „razem dla nauczycieli” organizowanym przez Fundację Girls Future Ready polega na łączeniu nauczycieli języka angielskiego z mentorami: nauczycielami, studentami bądź osobami związanymi ze szkolnictwem wzbogacając lekcje skierowane do polskich uczniów. Zajęcia z wykorzystaniem platformy ZOOM prowadziła dla uczniów naszej szkoły Pani Paulina Phung studentka z Seattle, WA.
Zakończyliśmy pierwszy etap zajęć ale dzięki uprzejmości Fundacji oraz wolontariuszy program „together for teachers” będzie kontynuowany:)
PODZIĘKOWANIA uczniów biorących udział w zajęciach online:
In our school we had online meetings with Ms Paulina Phung from the USA. There were classes all in English. Paulina did it with passion! She taught us about: food in the USA, interesting places and life of teenagers. Meetings with Ms Paulina were very interesting and we will remember her forever.
Zuzia Klich, Zuzia Pasich
Ms Paulina, on behalf of our entire class, thank you very much for the lessons with us. We are grateful for what you have taught us and for the patience you have shown us. Thank you.
Jacek Szromnik
The meetings with the volunteer from the USA were great. We learned a lot about America. Most of people today don’t know much details about this country. Few weeks ago we had the first meeting with th volunteer from Seattle. During the first lesson we found out about the city where she lives and other information about her home city. Two weeks later we were listening about States and technology. The last lesson was about food in the USA. Every lesson we learned more about country that the volunnter lives. Lessons with her were very interesting. Thank you Paulina for those information about your country. Maybe someone from us will fly to your country in the future.
Jakub Banaś, Igor Pazera
During all lessons with Ms Paulina we learnt a lot about her city. We know what food is the most popular in her country. We also know what places are characteristic there. We learnt so many new words. We really enjoyed lessons with her and we learnt a lot. We found out that when we have 8 am she has 12 pm. We also know that Seattle is a place where Starbucks was introduced, the biggest chain of the café in the world.
Julia Kaczmarczyk
We think that classes with Ms Paulina, who comes from Seattle were very interesting and worth paying attention to. We found out interesting things about country she lives in, such as: traditions, monuments and food. Our attention was especially drawn to the Chewing Gum Wall. Once again, we would like thank Ms Paulina for the classes and the time dedicated to us!
Julia Litwińczuk, Natalia Sołtysik
We learned a lot about the United States, Seattle specifically. We know about many traditions related to the country in which she lives. We learned a lot of new vocabulary. We were very fascinated with what she was talking. We would like to have more lessons with Ms Paulina.
Julia Mosór, Karolina Jakubas
A few days ago there was the last class with Ms Paulina from America. The lessons were held every two weeks on the Zoom platform as part of English classes. During the lesson she told about what life is like in her home and neighboring States. She told us about the best attractions in the USA, for example about the Minecraft Museum. Thanks to these classes, we learned what American eat and how much money they spend on it.
Krzysztof Latos, Bartosz Rolka
English lessons with Ms Paulina were interesting and very funny. There were a lot of presentations and we learned a lot. She told us about her country and its traditions. She lives in Seattle and told us a lot about the city. She studies in Seattle and lives there. She told us a lot about her city. Paulina got up late at night so that she could have lessons with us and teaches us someting new. Our lessons were held every other Friday morning. Thank you very much Ms Paulina for great lessons and for devoting your time to us.
Ola Nowakowska, Natasza Olesiak, Natalia Łaganowska, Ola Wierciak
During the classes with Ms Paulina, we learned about Seattle and learned a lot of useful things about the culture, food and American tradition, eg Thanksgiving, which takes place on November 26, during which the family comes together to celebrate. We also learned a lot about art and museums. An example of the art that prevails there is a wall covered with chewing gums and a structure made entirely of guitars.
Wiktor Bakowski, Piotr Czapla
During the English language innovation lesson, we met Ms Paulina who showed us various presentations that she prepared and brightened our knowledge of the English language as well as the city in which she lives. I liked the lessons with her that I could see what is happening in Seattle. I would like such lessons to be continued.
Wiktoria Muniak
In our opinion, the English classes with Ms Paulina were very interesting, wise and educational. She is a fun and nice person and has good contact with young people because they are fun to listen to. Paulina told us about her life in Seattle, about various curiosities related to the USA, about its inhabitants, culture, and she told us about various famous places, such as the Market Theatre Gum Wall. On this wall, tourists stick chewed gums. In our opinion, the most interesting activities were related to eating in the States. We learned that Americans do not eat too healthy and their favourite food is a hamburger and a hot dog. We enjoyed the lessons with Ms Paulina very much, and we hope that we will see her again soon.
Zuzia Płonka, Agata Jędrzejczyk, Natalia Oczki
Recently I had the opportunity to partcipate in Ms Paulina’s lessons. Paulina’s lessons were interesting and I learned a lot. I learned many interesting facts and customs about the USA. I saw what food American eat and I saw very interesting place such as Seattle. This is the most unhygienic place in the USA. There is a wall covered with chewing gum. I think these lessons were very helpful and interesting. I am glad that I could attend them.
Zuzanna Banach
Na ostatnich lekcjach innowacji mieliśmy przyjemność uczestniczenia w spotkaniach z lektorką z USA, Panią Pauliną. Te spotkania przybliżyły nam kulturę Stanów Zjednoczonych; bardzo dużo się na nich dowiedzieliśmy . Dzięki spotkaniom poszerzyliśmy swoją wiedzę na temat amerykańskiego jedzenia. Dodatkowo spotkaniom towarzyszyła miła i kameralna atmosfera, która ułatwiała czerpanie wiedzy. W czasie komunikacji używaliśmy języka angielskiego dzięki czemu rozwijaliśmy zasoby językowe. Na zakończenie chcielibyśmy bardzo serdecznie podziękować Pani Wolontariuszce za poświęcony czas i chęci do spotkania z nami. Bardzo dziękujemy i pozdrawiamy!
Jakub Bujakiewicz, Igor Wolny, Eryk Warwas
Składamy podziękowania dla Pani Pauliny za naukę online z naszą grupą. Jesteśmy bardzo zadowolenie z zajęć i szanujemy, że miała Pani dla nas czas. Zajęcia były bardzo interesujące. Życzymy Pani dużo zdrowia, wszelkich sukcesów osobistych i zawodowych.
Maciej Szromnik, Maks Sołtysik
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