Class Vb- report
In this semester I concentrated on stimulating them to speak complete
sentences in both questions and answers.
At the beginning of each lesson I asked them what they did in the previous
week, which they must answer in complete sentences.
They were given various topics such as gathering informations, the seasons,
animals, different cultures, or related to the time of the year such as
Easter and various holidays. After an introduction of the topic, they
played games, e.g. Stone paper scissors, or ball games, one student must
ask the other student a question about the topic, and the other must of
course answer in complete sentence. Sometimes they were separated into
small groups and they must discuss about the topic and then read me their
answers in a short paragraph.
I am very pleased to see that they were trying hard to communicate with me,
sometimes they didn’t know some words in English, but they were trying
hard to explain together with gestures and drawing. Many students usually
tell me „I know but I don’t know how to explaining” and then
they give up. The willingness to try to explain is something I treasure and
very pleased to see.
If in the coming year I will still have the privilege to have lessons with
them, I would like to develop their ability to explain things because this
is a very important skill which a lot of students are lacking.
O Tristi…
Od początku roku
nasza klasa była w szoku!
Przyjechała do nas Pani
z głową przepełnioną
różnymi pomysłami.
Miała przy sobie pałeczki,
którymi jada się ryż i cukiereczki…
Poznaliśmy tradycje jej
Ojczystego kraju.
Bardzo się z nią zaprzyjaźniliśmy
i byliśmy dla niej mili.
Świetnie się bawiliśmy,
wcale się nie nudziliśmy.
A na pożegnanie każdy
dał Tristi laurkę…
Robiąc ją niczego nie żałował,
dlatego tak pięknie ją udekorował!
Bardzo Tristi dziękujemy,
by kontynuować zajęcia za
rok czas znajdziemy!!! J
Helena Myszewska Vb
P.S. Zajęcia z Panią Trisi z Hong Kongu trawały przez cały rok szkolny, wszyscy uczniowie klasy Vb uczestniczyli w nich w ramach projektu „Magic English.”